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Showing posts with label MORE. Show all posts

Thursday 29 September 2016

Aprender a se Maquiar

Se você deseja aprender a se maquiar, aqui é o lugar certo! Você vai conhecer algumas dicas de curso de maquiagem make total que te ajudarão na hora da sua produção. Se você for iniciante no assunto esse artigo vai ser muito útil. Para iniciar conheça algumas dicas de passo a passo maquiagem básicas que toda mulher tem que conhecer para ter uma pele saudável.
Algumas mulheres evitam fazer uma make mais elaborada
Existem muitas mulheres que não gostam de fazer uma maquilagem mais elaborada, pois ficam indecisas na hora de utilizar os produtos, perdendo assim a chance de fazer um look mais ousado e mais bonito por não conhecerem as principais características do seu rosto, como tom de pele e as cores apropriadas para sua pele.

Outro fator a ser levado em consideração é que há muitas mulheres que possuem todos os produtos necessários para fazer uma make perfeita, mas por não terem muita informação acabam fazendo sempre a mesma passo a passo maquiagem.
Veja como isso pode ser contornado
Isso pode ser contornado obtendo conhecimento de algumas dicas de maquiagem simples que irão fazer toda a diferença no seu visual. Sendo assim, procure seguir todas as sugestões apresentadas para você aprender a se maquiar como se maquiar sozinha  descubra mais…  
Existem muitas dúvidas que surgem nas mulheres na hora de aprender a se maquiar uma delas é: Maquiagem pode fazer mal para pele? Vamos abordar um pouco sobre os produtos pra passo a passo maquiageme a sua evolução para você entender.
A evolução dos produtos de maquiagem
Os produtos de makeup evoluíram muito ao longo do tempo possibilitando seu uso em nas mais variadas fases do dia e diferentes ocasiões. Hoje em dia as mulheres têm a possibilidade de realizar diversos tipos de makes, como:maquiagem para o dia, maquiagem para noite, maquiagem para festa, maquiagem para casamento. Contudo, quando o assunto é referente a passo a passo maquiagem simples ou mais até mesmo mais elaborada, ainda existe uma certa resistência por parte de algumas mulheres.

Há mulheres que acreditam que maquiagem pode fazer mal para pele
Há realmente algumas pessoas que acreditam que as maquiagens podem fazer mal pra pele e evitam o uso constante. O que acontece na realidade é que antigamente os produtos de maquiagem por serem produzidos com base em vaselina ou por conterem outras substâncias oleaginosas (gordurosos) acabavam obstruindo os poros da pele. Hoje em dia não é mais assim.

O que contribuí para este pensamento
Outro fator que contribuí pra esse pensamento é que antigamente alguns pigmentos contido nos estojos de passo a passo maquiagem poderiam conter um potencial cancerígeno. Mas felizmente isso não existe mais. Os produtos de makeup são produzidos de outra forma, mais segura, mais benéfica e mais tecnológica.
Como são produzidos os produtos atualmente
Hoje em dia os produtos são produzidos com base em silicone que executa a função dos óleos sem agredir a pele. Vale lembrar que os pigmentos cancerígenos não são mais usados. Eles foram substituídos pelos inorgânicos que possuem a característica de serem menos alergênico e mais compatíveis com a pele.

Existe os cuidados básicos que a mulher deve ter com a pele todos os dias antes usar seu kit de maquiagem. Descobrir quais são estes cuidados com estas dicas de passo a passo maquiagem para o dia. Então, os cuidados abrangem o seguinte: limpeza da pele ao dormir, tonificação, hidratação e uso do filtro solar.

Para realizar a limpeza da pele de forma correta utilize um sabonete líquido, pois este agridem menos sua pele. Dica básica de maquiagem: Não use sabonetes em barra, eles possuem o ph muito alto. Outra dica, se você não retirar a “maquiage” no banho, utilize algum demaquilante ou até mesmo uma loção de limpeza mas não fique sem retirá-la.
Agora escolha um produto compatível com sua cútis. Por exemplo: se sua pele for oleosa, evite os produtos que contêm óleo como os demaquilantes bifásicos. Caso sua pele seja seca utilize produtos mais suaves e com substâncias de limpeza leves.
Após isso, tonifique a sua pele. O propósito do tônico é reequilibrar o ph da pele, que foi desestabilizado pelos agentes de limpeza. Além disso, ele também possui a função de proporcionar a remoção das impurezas que por ventura ainda estão presente na pele.
A próxima e última etapa é hidratar a pele. Para muito mais clique aqui. 

Friday 16 September 2016

How to get rid of bed bugs

The process of getting rid of bed bugs is by far not the easiest task that you would have ever need to do. It is indeed a lengthy and complex process with so many different options available out there. There is NO one simple method to get rid of them - if there were, we would not be faced with the problem until this very day. Yes, it is a long process to get eradicate them but NOT an impossible feat.Here are some ways you can use to control the bed bugs infestation:

• Cleaning
Suffice to say, if we keep our homes clean, we could be assured of a lower risk of infestation. Items such as bed covers, pillow covers, mattress covers, and comforters should be regularly checked for presence of them. These items should be removed and washed at the highest temperature setting possible as high heat setting is able to kill them. If you send your bedding items to a dry cleaner, do remember to warn the dry cleaner so that your items will be washed separately. Those ways you won't risk infest others' with bed bugs as well.

• Vacuuming
Make sure that you vacuum all crevices of your home, especially around the bed. This method does not get rid of them completely; but it will help with some prevention prior to using other treatments. While vacuuming, please remember to also use a scraper to scrape along your beds, carpets, and other hot spots for bed bugs. This will help dislodge any bed bug eggs from their breeding ground for you to vacuum them off. Empty the contents from the vacuuming, including the bed bugs and eggs, into a sealed plastic bag and throw them away. If the items are large, you should label it clearly so no one mistakenly takes them home or recycles them.

• Rubbing alcohol
Rubbing alcohol contains approximately 70 percent by volume of pure, concentrated ethanol (ethyl alcohol) or isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol). It is a flammable liquid so you should use it with caution. You can put some rubbing alcohol into a spray bottle and apply them at places where they are prone to hide. You can follow up the application with the scraper treatment to dislodge any bed bug eggs along the way just like the vacuuming process mentioned above. The alcohol will kill these critters, including its eggs, on contact.

• Steam cleaning
This method is also used by most pest control companies and is by far the safest and natural means of killing them. You can choose to buy the steamer yourself as the steamer can also be used to sanitize other household equipment. Before buying the steamer, make sure that it can reach a temperature of exceeding 200 degrees Fahrenheit.

• Diatomaceous Earth
This is a powder which can be used to get rid of bed bugs. After a few days, you will be able to see it taking effect. It works by sticking onto these critters and dehydrating them. There are various categories of diatomaceous earth available - and some are toxic. Do look out for the food grade quality ones which are safer to use at home. When applying them, make sure you put on a face mask and gloves at a minimum. This is because some of these products could be dangerous to breathe in.

• Mattress Cover
Most people mistaken that this is only a preventive method. However, this can also be used to get rid of these critters as the bed bug mattress cover is able to seal in them and prevent them from getting out from your mattress. This way, they may be cut off from their food supply. If you decide to use the bed bug mattress cover, do remember to cover the box springs as well as the bed bugs could hide in the crevices there too.

• Pesticides
There are natural and off the store pesticides. Various natural remedies can be made yourself. Common off the store chemical pesticides have also been limited in their effectiveness these days as the bed bugs seem to have developed a resilience towards them.
For more details, go to How to get rid of bed bugs for answers to your questions on bed bugs.

Thursday 15 September 2016

Mexican Food for Thought

{Eating|Consuming} Out, Mexican {Style|Design}:

With the {fast pace|fast lane} and competitiveness of American society, {dining out|eating in EL Cartel Mexican Restaurant} is {a way of life|a lifestyle|a way of living} for {many people|lots of people|many individuals}. Americans {eat out|eat in Mexican Restaurant Cape Town} {an average of|approximately} {three|3} to {four|4} meals a week. {{Unfortunately|Sadly|Regrettably}, {in many cases|oftentimes|in most cases|in a lot of cases}, {Cape Town Mexican Restaurant|dining establishment} food {often|frequently|typically} {contains|includes|consists of} {a lot of|a great deal of} fat, sugar and {sodium|salt} for taste and preservative {value|worth}.|In {many|numerous|lots of} cases, {restaurant|dining establishment} food {often|frequently|typically} {contains|includes|consists of} a lot of fat, sugar and {sodium|salt} for taste and preservative {value|worth}.} It is possible, {however|nevertheless}, to {eat|consume} healthy and {choose|select|pick} {wisely|carefully|sensibly} if you're {skilled|experienced|competent|proficient|knowledgeable} at {special|unique} {ordering|purchasing|buying} and {knowledgeable|well-informed|experienced|educated} about {food preparation|cooking} for {different|various} {cuisines|foods}.


Hold or {limit|restrict} guacamole and sour cream. {Two|2} tablespoons of guacamole has about 50 calories and {four|4} grams of fat (72 percent fat) and {two|2} tablespoons of sour cream have 45 calories and {five|5} grams of fat ({100 percent|One Hundred Percent} fat).

Hold or {limit|restrict} the chips. {A typical|A common|A normal} basket of chips {contains|includes|consists of} 1,040 calories and 43 percent fat.

Hold the cheese or get it on the side. A one-inch cube of cheese has about 100 calories and {eight|8} grams of fat (75-percent fat).

{Skip|Avoid} or {limit|restrict} the chile con queso dip. One cup has about 529 calories and 31 grams of fat (53 percent fat).

{Drink|Consume} light beer or a wine spritzer {instead|rather} of a margarita (90-100 calories versus 250 calories for the margarita).

Split orders and take {home|house} half in {a doggie bag|a doggy bag}. Share the praline or sopapilla, if you {must|should|need to} indulge.

{Be aware of|Know|Understand}: tortilla shells, chorizo (Mexican Cantina Cape Town sausage), deep-fried, refried beans, "served over chips, {stuffed|packed} or covered with cheese or bacon," cheese sauce, queso, guacamole, sour cream, sauces (con queso).

{Go for|Opt for|Choose}: flour tortillas (2-3 grams fat), corn tortillas (1 gram fat), soft tacos, {marinated|marinaded}, simmered, grilled chicken, shrimp, fish, pinto beans, Mexican rice, black beans, hot peppers, served with salsa, covered with enchilada sauce, salsa verde with tomato, lettuce, onion, mole, tomato.

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Mouse Control Types

The reason that mouse control is important is that mice are quite dirty little animals. Yes, some people like to have mice as pets. Some people like to have rats as pets. Some people even like to have tarantulas as pets. The point is, some people are strange. Anyway, those are not the sorts of mice that we are talking about. They are domesticated mice, whereas we are talking about wild mice. Ironically the most common is called a house mouse, but that is not where they are supposed to reside.

They are not good creatures to have around. They are incontinent, meaning that they wee everywhere. They also leave their faeces everywhere as well. You don't want to think about what could happen if a pet or a child found one of these and thought it was a raisin either. They can get up on counters, they can get into cupboards. They can chew through most things, in fact they are always chewing on things. You'll find your furniture chewed, your door frames, and just about anything else they can get their teeth around. Even wires, so they are quite a significant fire hazard as well.

You could try using natural Mouse Pest Control for them, for example by getting a cat. This is quite an elegant solution but is not always the most effective. Sometimes the cats just play with the mice and don't deal with them properly. Human pest controllers, on the other hand, tend to use mouse traps or mouse poison, which is more reliable.

If you want to deter mice from coming in the first place though you just have to keep your abode in pristine conditions. No food lying around. No faulty plumbing. You should be fine. You should do this once you find a mouse infestation as well to make sure it does not spread.

There are few pests that are potentially more dangerous than woodworm. Of course it's unusual to think of woodworm as being particularly dangerous. Perhaps a nuisance, perhaps damaging, but not particularly dangerous. That is to overlook the possibility, remote as it might be, that woodworm can actually make your home collapse. If you have wood supports and the woodworm is of a type that causes damage to that sort of wood, you could be in trouble. So there are some pests that, in bad situations, can lead to death. For example if a wasp or a bee stings you then, if you are allergic, you can enter anaphylactic shock. If that is not dealt with properly then it can lead to death. However with a building collapsing, that can kill multiple people so that is even more dangerous.

The key point here is that, however much of a nuisance it might be, it is best to get checked out all signs of woodworm. It might be that the woodworm infestation has died out on its own but only experienced professionals in Mouse Pest Control will be able to ascertain whether that is the case or not. If you find little piles of bore dust near the piece of wood that is a clear indication that it is a current infestation of woodworm of course. The wood might not even have any external holes in it as they are emergence holes so if is a new infestation no wood boring beetles might have come out of it yet.

Of course you are not going to be able to tell how far the woodworm infestation has spread unless you have special equipment. The experts have borescopes, and with them they can tell if there are tunnels in wood even if the wood is out of sight.